[OSGeo-Conf] Seville Q's

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 08:53:18 PST 2017

Great proposal from the SLOC. Thank you

Adding my q’s to Paul’s list (also posted to wiki)

Can you provide some more details of the “parallel official schedule outside the main conference”?
You propose 9 parallel track with 351 20 minute presentation slots, there does not appear to be any time allowance for questions and for changeover? Previous FOSS4Gs have had 30 minute sots with 20 mins talk, 5 mins questions and 5 mins changeover.
Will workshop presenters receive free or reduced price entry to the conference? Is this included in your budget?
Please clarify your plans to record sessions (all or some?)
Will you be streaming any sessions live? If so, just keynotes or all sessions?
Is there room capacity for 1200 attendees in the presentation track?
While the mid range attendance at 1200 is in line with Boston in 2017 (1150) it is well above Bonn in 2016 (950) - I suggest it would be prudent to budget for a lower “low” estimate. 
Currently you only just cover costs with 900 delegates is there a plan in case the economic environment has deteriorated by 2019?
How might you make the event financially viable with 750-800 delegates?
Does your budget include allowance for 15% free entrance to students and staff and sponsors?
Your sponsorship target is moderately high, particularly if you are focussing on a large proportion of public sector sponsors? Do you have a contingency plan if sponsorship is less than expected? Who will be responsible for recruiting sponsors, a member of SLOC or the PCO?
How have you accounted for VAT on ticket sales and expenses?
Have you allowed enough for the costs of a registration service e.g. eventbrite and credit card fees
On your mid estimate 1200 delegates you only make a $40k surplus, this is quite low and leaves little room except your contingency. Can you clarify?
Your sponsorship rates seem low in comparison to previous events Can you explain your rationale for this?
Can you clarify the maximum extent of the OSGeo Guarantee that you are requesting? 

May the FOSS be with you

> On 8 Dec 2017, at 19:08, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> wrote:
> Hi!
> - 35EUR seems low for a Gala dinner expense, have you trued this up
> with a quote?
> - What is the actual floorplan of the proposed venue? How does the
> plenary hall relate to the exhibition hall relate to the session
> rooms? Near, far, connected, disconnected?
> - The budget includes about EUR20K for workshop computers. What is the
> University providing and what are you renting yourself? Where do the
> spare computers go?
> Thanks!
> P
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