[OSGeo-Conf] [RfP FOSS4G2019] My questions to the Bucarest Team

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Oct 5 01:26:50 PDT 2017

Dear Bucarest-LOC (BLOC again?)

After reading carefully your great LoI, I'd like to ask the following

- Can you please give some hints on dates when the conference will take
place and also on the weather-conditions at that time?

- Do you have plans to involve other neighboured countries and/or their
local chapters (if there any?)

- Do you expect, that you can attract your supporting organisations also
to sponsor the event?

- There was a big discussion about how we can open the conference for as
many attendees as possible.
 Of course, this also is a function of the whole package price (travel,
accommodation, conference fee).
 Could you please line out, what your plans are in order to make a
travel to FOSS4G 2019 possible for as
 many people (especially students,  people from 3rd-world countries) as

FYI: I also put the questions in the WIKI [1]. You might direct edit
there and inform the list via email.


[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2019_Q%26A_Bucarest

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