[OSGeo-Conf] Voting Results on LoI Sevilla & Bucharest & Call for proposals

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Mon Oct 16 09:18:48 PDT 2017

Dear teams of Sevilla and Bucharest,

I am happy to announce that both teams have successfully passed stage 1
and you are both pleased to hand in a full proposal for *your* FOSS4G 2019.

So you've done the first step, now go on with step 2 and let your ideas
flow into your proposal. I know that time is short, but please hand in
your full proposal at least on 27.of November [1]. Please take care to
use the documents linked under the title "RFP documents" on that page as
your draft. The Pdf and also your financial draft.

I can offer to receive the financial proposal privately, as it might
contain numbers you do not want to share on this list. If so, feel free
to send it personnally to me and Steven (Feldman), so there are two
indepentent people to receive it. We will make it accessible for the CC

The following are just personal hints - so no need to follow them.

1. Recently a new discussion on costs of a FOSS4G started, so I suggest
to line out some hints on how you wil enable as much people to enter
your FOSS4G as possible. Perhaps you can find very cheap accommodations
and block them, look how to collect some money on the TGP, perhaps you
can start a student helper programme - whatever ...  ;-)

2. Put your energy into writing an outstanding proposal and save your
money for layout. A clearly structured and understandable document is
fine, we do not need a professional layout ;-)

CC is happy to receive your proposals!

Regards, Till

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2019_Bid_Process

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