[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G-NA

Rob Emanuele rdemanuele at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 14:50:53 PDT 2018

Hello Paul and the conference list -

I'd like to send out some background information that might be useful to
anyone who is curious about where FOSS4G NA is in it's governance, and
where it is headed in the future. I'm speaking on behalf of the FOSS4G NA
Core Committee, of which I'm a member.

TL;DR: we have begun working on 2019, and we will do our best to keep the
community updated on the progress going forward.

For historical context:

There was an effort to try and formalize the running of FOSS4G NA several
years back. This culminated in a Governance document, available here:
. This included a core committee, which are tasked with making decisions
about where the conference will be held, who will run the conference
committee for that specific year, and  selecting the Logistics Organizer
(the event organizers that manage conference logistics). There is a time
window for a selection period, and in the past this has been pretty
straight forward, since the Eclipse Foundation has been both the Logistical
Organizer and also a member of the LocationTech staff was the conference
chair. For more details, there are posts on the public google group at
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/foss4gna_selection that should
serve as a historical record. Also, feel free to ask questions if there
that doesn't clear things up.

Where we're at now:

After graciously being both the financial backstop and the Logistics
Organizer for the 2015, 2016, and 2018 events, LocationTech and the Eclipse
Foundation are stepping back from these roles moving forward. We appreciate
the tremendous amount of work they've put forward in performing these roles.

LocationTech will continue being involved as a member of the community and
as a sponsor, as well as being represented in the core committee as an
organization supporting the open source geospatial community. Eclipse has
also indicated that they are happy to provide guidance to the new
organization or group of folk that will run FOSS4G NA 2019 in order to ease
the transition.

This means, for next year, we need to find who the next group is going to
be to "take the ball" for this conference, and make it as great or better
than it has been in the past. Maybe this is YOU! But, if it is, please
speak up quick. It's difficult to plan a conference in less than a year, so
there is a bit of a time crunch for who ever will take this on. Given that,
the FOSS4G NA core committee voted to suspend the governance document, and
will rely on excited and engaged community members to find a group that is
ready, willing and able to take on this responsibility, both in the roles
of conference committee and logistics organizer.

A bit of the background of compision of the core committee, and who is in
it now:

- Eddie Pickle was the chair of 2013 and originally on the core committee.
- David Bitner was the chair of 2014 and originally on the core committee
(and still is, explained below)
- Andrea Ross was the chair of 2015. As such she had a position on the core
committee, which was abdicated to the Program Chair (that'd be me)
- Andrea Ross was also the conference chair of FOSS4G NA 2016 -  she put
Sarah Cordivano in her place, who performed the role of conference chair
and served on the core committee
- Prior to FOSS4G NA 2018 ending, the core comittee was comprised of David
Bitner, Sarah Cordivano, Jim Hughes, Mark Lucas, and myself.
- Since then, Mark has passed his position to Jody.
- David would have been removed from the core committee, since he was the
oldest conference chair on it. However, since Sarah has not been involved
in the geo community any more, we asker her if she would be willing to swap
her spot with David. She agreed.
- As part of getting more people on board to find a solution to running
FOSS4G NA 2019, we've brought on the brand new OSGeo US local chapter onto
the core committee. Thank you Guido for joining us.

This is how we've resulted in the core committee as Guido outlined it:
    - David Bitner (previous FOSS4G NA Chair, standin for Sarah as
Conference Chair, 2016)
    - Rob Emanuele (previous FOSS4G NA Program Chair, stand in for Andrea
    - Marc Vloemans (previous FOSS4G NA Chair, 2018)
    - Jim Hughes (LocationTech Representative)
    - Jody Garnett (OSGeo Representative, replaces Mark Lucas)
    - Guido Stein (OSGeo US Local Chapter Representative, new

Current plan:

With less than a year to go, the pressure is on. During the FOSS4GNA 2018
the committee was approached by a member of the community who wants to
chair the 2019 Local Organizing Committee (LOC). Due to the short time
frame to get this event off the ground we are going to explore this avenue
- however we don't have a firm committment yet for that person chairing
FOSS4G NA 2019. After the 2019 LOC gets going we will re-evaluate the
selection process so that the community can have more input in the future.

Hope this helps clarify some things about how FOSS4G NA has been running,
and how it will be run in 2019 and in the future.


On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>

> Thanks bitnerd, glad to know the ball is in someone’s hands :)
> P
> On May 31, 2018, at 1:55 PM, David William Bitner <bitner at dbspatial.com>
> wrote:
> Hey Paul,
> Yes, you heard correctly that LocationTech/Eclipse have stepped back from
> acting as the professional conference organizer for the next FOSS4GNA in
> 2019.
> The FOSS4GNA Core Committee which has been responsible for choosing the
> conference organizer for all events after 2013 is currently figuring out a
> plan for 2019. Our intent is to be as public as possible, but we are
> getting ourselves reorganized right now with this major change.
> The makeup of the committee is the three most recent FOSS4G NA Chairs who
> are willing to serve (currently myself, Rob Emanuele, and Marc Vloemans), a
> representative from LocationTech (Jim Hughes), a representative of OSGeo
> (Jody Garnett), and a representative from OSGeo US (this is a rep we have
> just added - Guido Stein).
> David
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 12:31 PM Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
> wrote:
>> At the risk of bringing an avalanche down on my head, is there anyone
>> who can explain what the state of play is for FOSS4G-NA?
>> Are LocationTech/Eclipse "returning" (for lack of a better word) it to
>> the community to organize next year? I heard parts of phrases but
>> didn't really hear a full story. Just more practically: is there
>> anyone who is holding the ball for 2019?
>> P.
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> ************************************
> David William Bitner
> dbSpatial LLC
> 612-578-9553
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