[OSGeo-Conf] Getting ready for the Travel Grant Programme

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 05:19:41 PST 2020

The Board has approved our budget submission for the TGP 2020, see https://www.loomio.org/d/P7aRGMXC/review-and-approve-osgeo-budget-for-2020 <https://www.loomio.org/d/P7aRGMXC/review-and-approve-osgeo-budget-for-2020> and https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2020 <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2020> 

That means we have a $25k budget to support travel grant programmes at the Global, Regional and even Local FOSS4Gs.

We need to get a call out to the community inviting applications for TGPs and if the scale of applications exceeds our budget we will need a process to decide on which applications to approve or whether to scale back support or …

Once the allocations of grants has been made we will need a small team to advise and support the LOCs in running their individual TGPs. This may be a light touch task or it could be more time consuming depending on the support requested.

Over the last 3 years I have led the TGP on behalf of the Conference Committee with a great deal of support from Till Adams and Eli Adam (coincidence in those surnames??). I’d like this to be my last year of leadership - it would be great if a couple of new faces would step up to help run the TGP process for the CC, I don’t think it is essential that new people are elected members of the Conference Committee (i.e. past FOSS4G chairs), anyone with an interest in our conference and outreach programme would be able to make a contribution. So if you are interested in helping to run the TGP (and hopefully replacing me) either post on the list or mail me directly with any questions.

The current FOSS4G Travel Grant Programme Cookbook is at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Travel_Grant_Programme_Cookbook <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Travel_Grant_Programme_Cookbook>. This sets out the process we will use this year and the conditions that we have agreed with the Board, when we have some new members we can consider changes that we might want to introduce.

Please overwhelm me with your expressions of willingness to help organise the TGP in 2020 by 16 Feb so that we can kick things off in the following week.

Vasile and Till, if I have got anything wrong in this mail please feel free to correct me ;)

May the FOSS be with you


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