[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2026 & more
Andrea Trovant
atrovant at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 06:13:03 PST 2024
Hi Folks! Here ...Andrea Trovant, I fully support 2026 being designated
for Japan (Hiroshima) as they did a lot of work, and it would be sad if the
proposal is discarded.
I am only concerned about one issue which is the following: opening such
long term postulations is not viable for countries with changing economies,
and I am referring to those who are in the process of growth, where prices
are outdated in a short period of time. This restricts the possibilities
for some of these countries.
As a co-chair in Brazil, we have some differences due to the dynamics of
the country.
It would be interesting to consider or think of some strategies for such
Warm regards :)
El jue, 12 dic 2024 a la(s) 10:42 p.m., Gavin Fleming via Conference_dev (
conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org) escribió:
> Thanks Vasile and Luca
> I fully support a direct award to Japan for 2026 as well as encouraging
> bidders to make their bids valid for an additional year.
> Gavin
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2024, 20:03 Narcélio de Sá via Conference_dev, <
> conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>> *Subject:* Support for Awarding FOSS4G 2026 to Hiroshima LOC
>> Dear Vasile and Conference Committee members,
>> Having been part of the FOSS4G 2024 organization in Belém, I understand
>> firsthand the complexity involved in hosting such an important event.
>> Witnessing the exceptional proposal from Japan to host FOSS4G 2025 and now
>> learning of the team's willingness, under Nobusuke Iwasaki’s leadership, to
>> extend their bid to 2026, I cannot help but agree with Vasile and Luca's
>> recommendation.
>> Moreover, I want to highlight the remarkable dedication of our colleagues
>> from Japan, who traveled across the globe to actively participate in our
>> edition of the conference here in Brazil. Their commitment and enthusiasm
>> are clear indicators of their capacity to deliver an outstanding FOSS4G
>> event.
>> I fully support the proposal to directly award FOSS4G 2026 to the
>> Hiroshima LOC.
>> Best regards,
>> Narcélio de Sá
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>> Narcélio de Sá
>> Coordinator | QGISBrasil Community
>> website: www.qgisbrasil.org
>> e-mail: narceliodesa at qgisbrasil.org
>> skype: narcelio.de.sa
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>> Em qui., 12 de dez. de 2024 às 21:42, Vasile Craciunescu via
>> Conference_dev <conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org> escreveu:
>>> Dear Conference Committee members,
>>> We should be (a bit late) in the stage of announcing the RfP for hosting
>>> FOSS4G2026 (actually,. the RfP document was already prepared by me and
>>> Msilikale some time ago). However, you all remember that for 2024 we had
>>> one of the closest competitions for hosting our beloved event in 2025. The
>>> Auckland team got it by just one vote in front of Hiroshima LOC. I/we got
>>> countless messages about the great quality of both proposals and how
>>> pitiful it is to waste such hard work of one of the competitors in times
>>> when not so many teams have the courage to step in and aim for the
>>> organization of the global FOSS4G.
>>> The subject of how hard work is lost after an unsuccessful bid was
>>> discussed many times in the past. But, at that time, it was not a problem
>>> of not having multiple bids for the next year's conference. Well, if you
>>> take a good look at the landscape of the last 4 years, you will see that we
>>> are not in the same position.
>>> In this context, the Hiroshima LOC, represented by Nobusuke Iwasaki (in
>>> CC) expressed the will to extend their proposal to 2026. In today's
>>> economy, this is not something small. To keep it short, last week, in
>>> Belem, at FOSS4G 2024, me and Luca met with the OSGeo board to discuss this
>>> situation. The board is all in favor of directly awarding Hiroshima LOC to
>>> host FOSS4G 2026 and just to proceed with the RfP for 2027, giving more
>>> time for teams to prepare.
>>> With all my recent experience, I'm also all in favor (Luca as well).
>>> So, dear CC members, please let us know what you think about this. Another
>>> idea from the discussion in Belem was that, when submitting the RfP, to
>>> have an option (optional) to say that your offer will stand for two
>>> consecutive years instead of one, like in the past.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Vasile
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