[OSGeo-Conf] Proposal for FOSS4G 2025 from Hiroshima, Japan

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Thu May 16 12:02:36 PDT 2024

Dear Nobosuke,

I just did a first read of your document and I want to congratulate you and
your LOC for such an amazing proposal.

>  For those who cannot physically attend the venue, we will provide
opportunities for remote participation, allowing participants to experience
the conference content and engage with the community, regardless of their
location or circumstances
> All meeting rooms are fiber-optically linked, allowing for streaming
capabilities to remote participants

Does this mean that you will offer streaming services of the conference?
And if the answer is yes, will it be paid or for free? I ask because one
strategy to encourage people going in person to conferences is not to
release the videos until after a few months.

I see that you consider numbers that I feel are a bit low for attendance
(base 400, better 500, best 600). I like that you are conservative and that
the budget stays strong with a low number, but I think that we should be
prepared for the upper number to be at least 1000, considering the
historial data[1]. Is there a reason why 600 is the higher you planned on
your budget? Because even if it is very far away from me (Spain), I see it
is very close to some of the most vibrant communities out there. I know the
venue allows for more than 1500 attendees, I am just curious if I'm missing
some reason behind the numbers.

Sometimes the codesprint is not of interest for the majority of the
audience for several reasons (considered too technical, people are tired at
the last day and decide to just do some tourism,...). Do you have any ideas
on how to encourage participation?

I have to say, it was a bit difficult following the budget in yens. If you
can provide an updated PDF with the numbers also in USD, I think that will
help the other members of the committee to read it faster.



On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 2:33 PM Nobusuke Iwasaki via Conference_dev <
conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Dear OSGeo Conference Committee,
> We are pleased to submit our proposal to host FOSS4G 2025 in Hiroshima,
> Japan.
> Additionally, you will find as Annex 1, the support letter, and as Annex
> 2, the detailed budget associated with our proposal.
>  Due to the size of the documents, we kindly request that you download the
> PDF from below.
> https://www.dropbox.com/t/YbXgZT2B8bxFGa8l
> I will also share the same file below.
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sr08Vq0frOW-lITjRD5jfneE0ehAw4x8?usp=drive_link
> We hope that you receive our proposal without issue and that it
> successfully addresses the requirements outlined in the RfP.
> Best regards,
> Nobusuke
> ---
> Nobusuke Iwasaki
>  Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
>  Representative, OSGeo Japan
>  Co-chair, FOSS4G 2025 Hiroshima LOC
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