+1 for Jeroen to join the conf committee. Welcome!<br><br>Have fun, <br>Arnulf<br><br>--<br>Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)<br><a href="http://arnulf.us">http://arnulf.us</a><br><br>----- Reply message -----<br>From: "Cameron Shorter" <cameron.shorter@gmail.com><br>To: "Jeroen Ticheler" <jeroen.ticheler@geocat.net><br>Cc: "conference" <conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org><br>Subject: [OSGeo-Conf] Nominate Jeroen to join the conference committee<br>Date: Wed, Jul 3, 2013 02:00<br><br><br>Resent to conference list without large CC list (to avoid triggering <br>email moderation) ...<br><br>Conference committee,<br>After discussing with Jeroen, I'd like to nominate Jeroen to join the <br>OSGeo conference committee, including have Jeroen vote on the upcoming <br>FOSS4G 2014 bid.<br><br>As per:<br>http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Advocate#Jeroen_Ticheler<br><br>Jeroen has organised the annual Bosena Code Sprint, contributed to a <br>proposal for a Netherlands FOSS4G, is a regular sponsor and workshop <br>presenter at FOSS4G events, has previously served on the OSGeo Board, <br>and as noted below, has some insightful questions for foss4g 2014.<br><br>I don't believe Jeroen has any vested interests in either foss4g 2014 <br>bid (Jeroen please speak up if I'm wrong) and as such will also provide <br>a valuable and impartial vote for foss4g 2014.<br><br>+1 from me.<br><br>><br>> On 3/07/2013 9:00 AM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:<br>>> Dear committee member,<br>>> Although I'm not on the conf committee, I do have a few questions <br>>> which I hope can be dealt with. They are not on the program, I hope <br>>> to look into those as well, but thought I post these now. Both <br>>> proposals are solid pieces of work, congratulations!<br>>><br>>> Both submitters (and committee members):<br>>> - Do we have statistics on how many viewers we have / had for the AV <br>>> streaming of conference presentations? I notice that in both <br>>> proposals the streaming services are quite expensive (Portland <br>>> 67.500$, Washington 50.000$) although I'm not sure the Washington <br>>> number includes other facilities as well?<br>>> I think it is relevant to understand if this investment in streaming <br>>> video is worth the money or that money would be better spend in <br>>> another way / could lower the registration fees.<br>>> An option is also to record plenary presentations instead of all <br>>> sessions?<br>>><br>>> Portland:<br>>> - It looks like there is an error in the formula for "Credit Card <br>>> Fees (eventbrite)".<br>>> - Do workshop presenters receive a complementary registration for <br>>> their efforts? This used to be good practice but was lost for the <br>>> FOSS4G2013 conference. I see they are part of the Washington proposal <br>>> :-)<br>>> - It would be nice to offer the Swag as options for sponsoring<br>>> - It may make sense to also budget for ~650 attendees?<br>>><br>>> Washington:<br>>> - No money for marketing<br>>> - Lunch and breaks seems pretty expensive at 60$ + 35$ /person/day <br>>> while the conference center is very cheap. Are they part of a package <br>>> deal?<br>>> - What happens with the net profit or loss beyond the OSGeo <br>>> contribution?<br>>> - Operations total cost is quite high. This includes "Meeting planner <br>>> fee" and EF Staff and travel. Are these two complementary? And if so, <br>>> could that be simplified to reduce the operations budget?<br>>> - It is unfortunate a number of budget items are still TBD, making <br>>> comparison with the budget of Portland more complicated.<br>>><br>>> Cheers,<br>>> Jeroen<br>>><br>>><br>>> On 2 jul. 2013, at 21:10, Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca> wrote:<br>>><br>>>> Dear conference committee members,<br>>>><br>>>> We have received the full bid documents from Portland, OR and<br>>>> Washington, DC. It now fall to *you* to review those documents and ask<br>>>> the questions you have of the bidders.<br>>>><br>>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/proposals/2014/2014_Proposal_Portland.pdf <br>>>><br>>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/proposals/2014/2014_Proposal_Portland_Budget.xls <br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/proposals/2014/2014_Proposal_Washington.pdf <br>>>><br>>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/proposals/2014/2014_Proposal_Washington_Budget.xlsx <br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> The Q&A period is very *short* so please read and question to <br>>>> bidders ASAP.<br>>>><br>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2014_Bid_Process#Bid_Process<br>>>><br>>>> Post your questions and look for responses on conference_dev.<br>>>><br>>>> Yours,<br>>>><br>>>> Paul<br>>>> 2014 RFP Coordinator<br>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>> Conference_dev mailing list<br>>>> Conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org<br>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference_dev<br>><br>><br><br><br>-- <br>Cameron Shorter<br>Geospatial Solutions Manager<br>Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050<br>Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254<br><br>Think Globally, Fix Locally<br>Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source<br>http://www.lisasoft.com<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Conference_dev mailing list<br>Conference_dev@lists.osgeo.org<br>http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference_dev<br>