[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Tue Aug 1 00:04:09 PDT 2006

Bob Basques wrote:
> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> Here, I'd like to dig into a very technical level of the 
>> synchronization idea and ask some questions. May be it's obvious 
>> for most of us, bug saying explicitly, I think it's highly 
>> recommended to stick to open standards. How do you feel?
>> What protocol would you suggest for remote data synchronization? In
>>  my opinion, Web Feature Service interface should be a sufficient 
>> for this purpose. HTTP/SOAP interface is available on most of 
>> mobile platforms we've mentioned.
> To tell the truth, I'm thinking about a basic XML format. Easy to 
> compress if needed, easy to parse, even easy to store in a Database. 
> The nice part would be, that a database would not be required, but it
> could be optionally used.  I think this is a basic premise to use 
> with regard to wide acceptance of any resulting set of utilities.

Yes, XML as a transfer layer is good.

> The HTTP method of transfer I think will provide the most benefit 
> with the least resistance.

Hmm, why not to focus on WFS or something like Simplified WFS for
prototype purpose so we will make our life easier in future, when
switching to full support of WFS?

Best regards
Mateusz Loskot

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