[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Jul 31 11:00:26 PDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> On 31-Jul-06, at 10:36 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> What protocol would you suggest for remote data synchronization? In
>>  my opinion, Web Feature Service interface should be a sufficient 
>> for this purpose. HTTP/SOAP interface is available on most of 
>> mobile platforms we've mentioned.
> I firmly believe in open standards, it will be our secret sauce that
>  allows us to be multi-platform without inventing new methods.



> If only we could assume that a WFS-T service was available .. but 
> alas, I think it is too early for that. :(  Or, perhaps, there are 
> some simple lightweight WFS-T servers around that could easily be 
> distributed as a binary package for desktops/servers??

Hmm, but you are not considering WFS-T service on
the mobile device, are you?

> I think that is the tricky part...how to easily distribute/install 
> the desktop/server side of our syncing environment.

Oh, so you mean server side installation. OK.
IMHO the server side infrastructure shouldn't be a problem because there
are Open Source components available to set up WFS environment and if
users will needs mobile GIS with remote data center, then they will be
able to create it.

> I have done a bit of XML-RPC using Python.  It would be quite simple,
>  in my opinion, to have an install package that sets up a 
> python/xml-rpc app. that connects to to any type of database.   Then 
> the mobile comp. could connect to that app. via the open xml-rpc 
> standard.
> Hmm... needs some more thought.

I'm not very experienced in this field, but I suppose it should be
possible :-)

Mateusz Loskot

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