[OSGeo-Discuss] Mobile GPS data collection...

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Mon Jul 31 18:55:23 PDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> On 30-Jul-06, at 9:29 PM, Bob Basques wrote:
>> I think the route to go with something like this, is NOT to use a 
>> specific portable OS, but rather concentrate on using a Micro PC of 
>> some sort (the OQO with Linux, comes to mind) and use the same old 
>> tools we've been using for everything else.   My database of choice 
>> for the storage, at least for points, would be MYSQL, much lower 
>> overhead for storage and retrieval.  The Mapping side is a different 
>> story, but speed and simplicity would be the order of the day.  While 
>> there's no reason a Spatial database couldn't be used for the 
>> mapping, I would suspect that the management of the mapping data 
>> might be easier with static SHP files in the near term.  Although 
>> using a Regular PC OS would help with database up keep in the syncing 
>> process as well.
> I agree, for the mostpart the specialised portable OS's were somewhat 
> invented to subvert hardware limitations.  Now, with flash/SD memory 
> and mobile PC chip architecture, I think there is less of a barrier.
> re: light databases, the aptly named SQLite is worthy of 
> consideration.  Storing simple Well Known Text representations of 
> geometry in a SQLite db would be an easy way to incorporate open data 
> standards.
I'm open to using WKT, but don't know that even this level of data 
organization is needed up front.  I supposed it will come into play as 
the client GUI input methods improve, the ability to draw Spatial 
primitive for example will require something like this for example.


> Tyler
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