Fwd: How to have trouble with an IP check before looking at code

jgarnett at refractions.net jgarnett at refractions.net
Sun Mar 5 15:33:18 EST 2006

I got a problem: http://www.geotools.com/
Of course I will need to ask the list if this is indeed a problem.

As it is I am would like to try an approach the company in question, and have
included a sample letter and would not mind assistence in phrasing things nicely.


Here is a sample letter:

Good Morning Geotools,

I am a member of a long standing open source project of the name GeoTools. The
project has existed some time before the creation of your division and I would
like to confirm that you are aware of us and check that we are not in conflict.

I only learned of Geotools Corporation accidently through a web search. I am
used to small projects and conferences sharing a name with us on occasion, this
is the first company I have run into with an overlap. 

I am approaching you at this time as I do some background research for an IP
check with respect to the newly formed Open Source Geospaital Foundation.

For more information:
- http://geotools.org/ 
- https://www.osgeo.org/

We are an international organization that meets via IRC. My first choice would
be to ask you or your repsentative to attend a meeting. Failing that we will
need to ask for someone in your timezone to contact you.

To attend an IRC meeting please follow the instructions on this page:
- http://www.geotools.org/display/GEOT/3.1+Internet+Relay+Chat

Jody Garnett
GeoTools Project Management Committe

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