[OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination for Board: Venkatesh Raghavan

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Mon Mar 13 18:56:29 EST 2006

Argh, apologies, that was just supposed to go to Markus, but the 
reply-all behavior got me.  But if anyone knows Venkatesh Raghavan's 
email, do let me know, I'm making sure that all nominees know the work 
involved, as per the procedure 


Chris Holmes wrote:
> Hey Markus, what's this guy's email address?  I can't seem to find it... 
>  I need to send him the confirmation of acceptance of nomination.
> Chris
> Markus Neteler wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am honored to nominate Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
>> (http://www.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~raghavan/indexe.html), professor at
>> Osaka City University in Japan, for one of the OSGeo board of directors
>> seats.
>> Venka is well known in Asia for his promotion of FOSS4G.
>> He co-ordinated the successful FOSS/GRASS 2004 International
>> conference in Bangkok, Thailand 
>> (http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/).
>> Preceeding this conference Jeff McKenna from DM Solutions and me
>> (I was  awarded a fellowship from Venka to come to Japan and hold a
>> couple of seminars in FOSS geomatics) came to Osaka to join the
>> discussions. It was there in Bangkok then, over a few drinks, that
>> initial discussions of a joint international FOSS geomatics conference 
>> for
>> 2006 were discussed, in particular by Venka, Dave McIlhagga, Jeff
>> and me. But I can honestly say that it was Venka's passion for FOSS
>> geomatics that got the ball rolling. A very personable person, Venka
>> has a way of setting you at ease, that hopefully all of you will get to
>> experience.
>> Venka has been a big promoter of FOSS geomatics in the Asian market.  He
>> has personally contributed to FOSS by being instrumental in bringing
>> international character support (i18N) to GRASS and MapServer (see
>> http://www.foss4g.org/), writing a tutorial as well as creating FOSS4G
>> installers for Mandrake Linux (including a MapServer/MapLab rpm available
>> on maptools.org).
>> Venka possesses a passion for FOSS geomatics, and, after discussing this
>> with Jeff McKenna, we both feel that he would be a great asset to have
>> on the board.
>> Venka is currently traveling through Vietnam and Thailand, but he
>> has said that when he returns he is excited to take more of an active
>> role in the OSGeo discussions.
>> Best regards
>>  Markus
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
thoughts at: http://cholmes.wordpress.com
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