[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo promotions in Vietnam

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Fri Nov 10 19:03:49 EST 2006

Thanks for the update Venka.  In case it wasn't already mentioned on  
this list, OSGeo committed $1,000 to help support a presence at this  
event.   I'm looking forward to getting to know this new group of  
upcoming members.


On 10-Nov-06, at 3:55 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

> Dear All,
> OSGeo promotions in Vietnam is going on exceeding
> well with great support from Vietnamese Academy
> of Science and Technology (VAST) and several other
> prestigious governmental and private institutions.
> The pre-conference "Open Source Geoinformatics
> Workshop" held on 8th Nov 2006 was a great success
> and a gist of the workshop was aired on the local
> TV channel including a strong mention of OSGeo and
> the proposal to create the Vietnam OSGeo Chapter
> under the aegis of VAST.
> The initial members of Vietnam OSGeo Chapter met after
> the workshop and decided to prepare the proposal to
> form the Chapter and submit for OSGeo board approval
> The members agreed to have
> 1. Mr. Dao Van Tuyet,
>    Executive of International Relation Department of IOIT-HCM
>    Vietnam OSGeo Chapter Representative
>    tuyetdv at vast-hcm.ac.vn
> and
> 2. Dr. Ho Dinh Duan, Institute of Physics HCMC
>    as Chapter Coordinator
>    duanhd at gmail.com
> The report on OSGeo promotions during the
> GIS-IDEAS 2006 Symposium (9-11 Nov 2006) will
> also be prepared and made available on
> wiki.osgeo.org soon. Will also put the
> TV news clip on the web soon.
> Thanks to all the local and international support
> for making the OSGeo promotions in Vietnam happen.
> Regards
> Venka
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