[OSGeo-Discuss] FW: [otb-users] ORFEO Methodology meeting

Norman Vine nhv at cape.com
Mon Dec 3 04:55:05 PST 2007

Thought I should pass this along


ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. 
OTB is based on the medical image processing library ITK and offers
particular functionalities 
for remote sensing image processing in general and for high spatial
resolution images in particular. 
OTB is distributed under a free software licence CeCILL (similar to GPL) to
encourage contribution 
from users and to promote reproducible research


> -----Original Message-----
> From: otb-users at googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:otb-users at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jordi Inglada
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 7:28 AM
> To: OTB-Users
> Subject: [otb-users] ORFEO Methodology meeting
> Dear all,
> A meeting of the ORFEO Methodology Network will take place at 
> CNES headquarters on 10th and 11th January 2008. You are 
> invited to participate. The preliminary program is as follows:
> 1. Thursday 10 (9h30 - 12h30):
> ORFEO Toolbox geometry (sensor models, cartographic 
> projections, image registration) and radiometry (calibration, 
> atmospheric corrections) tools.
> 2. Thursday 10 (14h-17h):
> Methodology results on object detection and recognition.
> --> Image examples data base
> --> Call for presentations
> 3. Friday 10 (9h30 - 12h30):
> Methodology results on multitemporal analysis (change 
> detection, etc.).
> --> Call for presentations
> If you wish to participate in this meeting, please send by 
> e-mail to <jordi.inglada at cnes.fr> the sessions (1,2,3) you 
> are interested in. If you plan to give a talk, please send a 
> 10 line abstract.
> Best regards,
> J. Inglada
> -- 
> CNES - DCT/SI/AP - BPI 1219
> 18, avenue Edouard Belin
> 31401 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
> Tel. +33.(0) - Fax. +33.(0) 
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
> Google Groups "otb-users" group. 
> To post to this group, send email to otb-users at googlegroups.com 
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> otb-users-unsubscribe at googlegroups.com 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/otb-users?hl=en 
> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---

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