[OSGeo-Discuss] Translated web site content

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Feb 23 09:14:56 PST 2007

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> If you go to http://www.osgeo.org you will now see a "Select language" 
> menu on the left side, with a few languages listed.  The tools are 
> pretty simple, if you press a language the content will change, but only 
> if that content has been translated already.  All default content is in 
> US English.

I just had a look at the French and Deutsch translations of the home 
page and they don't seem to match exactly the contents of the English 
version. I can't read Deutsch, but the sections of the page seem 
different, and the French version (which I can read) definitely contains 
different contents.

Should it not be a requirement that the translations should match the 
original as closely as possible in order to relay a consistent message 
in all languages?

Daniel Morissette

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