[OSGeo-Discuss] Fw: Re: New Google Mapping Patent

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Tue Jan 9 23:33:42 EST 2007


Found it,  It sorta still works.  Looks like someone moved a dataset on 
me for the overlays.

The first drill level works though.


Maybe I'll go and fix it tomorrow . . . Get the drilldown to work all 
the way in.

Geez, I forgot how fast it ran . . . .Also, I was off on the year I did 
it, Looks like around 2002 or 2003, since these images were from 2001.   
:c)  Sure seems like such a long time ago . . . . .


Bob Basques wrote:
> Hmmm, I don't know how to reply to this, exactly.  It's going to sound 
> like I'm tooting my own horn, but . . .
> I actually have a tiled based application from 98 or 99 ( that I think 
> it is still running to, I'll check tomorrow)  It's on the basic side 
> related to Googles stuff, but it worked very nicely for the time it 
> was built.  There are sure to be others out there somewhere.  I can't 
> believe my concoction was the only stuff out there doing stuff like this.
> bobb
> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 02:47:01PM -0200, Paulo Marcondes wrote:
>>> 2007/1/9, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net>:
>>>> Jo Walsh wrote:
>>>>>    * Visually-oriented driving directions in digital mapping system
>>>>>    * Combined map scale and measuring tool
>>>> I don't know how to comment it. I'm in shock!
>>>> It seems there is no way to stop this "crazy" race of patents.
>>> I guess is up to the guys in the US to show prior art, at least they
>>> are in a position to file the relevant  docs.
>>> Autodesk should be quite aware of that, since they have software in that 
>>> niche.
>>> Also, does not UMN Mapserver predates google on this?
>> I'm not aware of any web interface which sent requests for batches of
>> tiles before Google Maps. The ones I'm aware of now are:
>>  * OpenLayers, originally started working on around Where 2.0 1
>>  * ka-Map, started around the same time -- after February 2005 (patent)
>>  * MapGuide, I think, which has tile batch requests
>>  * I've heard info about ESRI's new stuff doing the same thing.
>> So, as far as the first claim of the patent that Google was granted 
>> ("Digital Mapping Service" or whatever), I'm not aware of anything that
>> predates their patent application in Feb 2005. I certainly know that it
>> seemed novel to everyone when it came out. 
>> Regards,
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