[OSGeo-Discuss] Fw: Re: New Google Mapping Patent

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 22:11:43 PST 2007

Apparently Peter's email bounced, so I'm re-sending it to the discuss list.

Peter Bayley wrote:
> Hi People,
> I built an AJAX ? Tile-based web map viewer  for the Office of Sydney 
> Harbour Manager in 1998.  It 's still running  ( 
> http://www.homer.com.au/project/splash/splash.html ) (IE only - click 
> on the link at the bottom of the page)
> It was used to coordinate 14 different organisations around Sydney 
> Harbour and even had information for the 2000 New Years Eve 
> celebrations (under RTA in the options panel).
> Its "son" was LandView (2001) which is still running at the NSW 
> Department of Planning  ( http://iplan.australis.net.au/landview.php ) 
> (Accept Terms and Conditions and click the button).  LandView had 
> vector support via VML (again, IE only)
> To see an example of the vector land parcels click the Search Panel 
> button ("?"),   Enter "Wyong" into the Suburb field and click the 
> SEARCH button.   This query returns 78 properties which are displayed 
> in a table and as dots on the map
> Click on a dot to see the table data and vice versa.  Click the POLY 
> button to view the parcels as polygons.  The tooltip will then contain 
> the info.  Polygons are best for close work while the dots auto-size 
> so they are a constant screen size as you zoom in and out
> Next version was under the OpenEarth <http://www.openearth.com.au> 
> banner where I implemented more vector functionality, including vector 
> editing as a set of mapping components that could be embedded in web 
> pages.  See the videos and/or demos
> When Google Earth and Google Map came out I implemented WMS and WFS 
> feeds for GE and Vector display and editing over GM
> I did email a bit with Lars Rasnussen in May last year - he's one of 
> the key  GM developers and is based here in Sydney - but that didn't 
> seem to go anywhere.
> Regards
> Peter Bayley
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Peter Bayley introduced me to the idea of tiling about 5 years ago 
>> with an application he had built.
>> Peter, can you comment further?
>> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 02:47:01PM -0200, Paulo Marcondes wrote:
>>>> 2007/1/9, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net>:
>>>>> Jo Walsh wrote:
>>>>>>    * Visually-oriented driving directions in digital mapping system
>>>>>>    * Combined map scale and measuring tool
>>>>> I don't know how to comment it. I'm in shock!
>>>>> It seems there is no way to stop this "crazy" race of patents.
>>>> I guess is up to the guys in the US to show prior art, at least they
>>>> are in a position to file the relevant  docs.
>>>> Autodesk should be quite aware of that, since they have software in 
>>>> that niche.
>>>> Also, does not UMN Mapserver predates google on this?
>>> I'm not aware of any web interface which sent requests for batches of
>>> tiles before Google Maps. The ones I'm aware of now are:
>>>  * OpenLayers, originally started working on around Where 2.0 1
>>>  * ka-Map, started around the same time -- after February 2005 (patent)
>>>  * MapGuide, I think, which has tile batch requests
>>>  * I've heard info about ESRI's new stuff doing the same thing.
>>> So, as far as the first claim of the patent that Google was granted 
>>> ("Digital Mapping Service" or whatever), I'm not aware of anything that
>>> predates their patent application in Feb 2005. I certainly know that it
>>> seemed novel to everyone when it came out.
>>> Regards,

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