[OSGeo-Discuss] FW: Ecosystem-Based Management Tools Network Update (www.ebmtools.org)- Funding Opportunities

Ned Horning nedh at lightlink.com
Thu Jun 14 09:22:32 EDT 2007


Sarah Carr wrote:



The Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure is soliciting letters of intent
for projects that will ultimately account for, build, and draw upon
distributed sources of location-based or “geospatial” information over the
Internet. Projects will address specific issues within one or more of four
priority areas: public health, public safety and security, environment and
sustainable development, and matters of importance to Aboriginal people.
Projects should assess and make use of the policies, standards,
technologies, services, and data sets that comprise the Canadian Geospatial
Data Infrastructure (CGDI), and they should facilitate information sharing
in support of decision making.  Furthermore, projects funded through this
Announcement of Opportunity (AO) will build capacity within user groups, and
also promote, expand, and increase the use of the CGDI.  Proposals will be
accepted from government departments or agencies (local,
provincial/territorial, or federal), Crown corporations, academic
institutions, private-sector organizations, non-government organizations,
and Aboriginal communities and organizations.  Under this AO, the largest
ever offered by GeoConnections, proponents may apply for support in the
following areas: strategic planning, capacity building, user needs
assessments, thematic data, data standards, regional atlases, and geospatial
decision support systems. GeoConnections may support initiatives that
consist of related projects in more than one of these areas. Multi-year
funding is available.  Letters of intent are due July 6, 2007; October 12,
2007; and February 1, 2008 although later dates may vary.  See the
Announcement of Opportunity for more details.


NOAA is seeking proposals for the FY2007 Broad Agency Announcement Request
for Extramural Research, Innovative Projects, and Sponsorships—special
projects and programs associated with NOAA’s strategic plan and mission
goals not normally funded through competitive discretionary programs. 
Proposals should address one or more of the following five mission goal
descriptions contained in the NOAA Strategic Plan:
1. Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources
Through an Ecosystem Approach to Management;
2. Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to
Plan and Respond;
3. Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information;
4. Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, and
Environmentally Sound Transportation; and
5. Provide Critical Support for NOAA’s Mission.
Summary Description of Mission Goal 1 (Protect, restore and manage the use
of coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem-based management): Coastal
areas are among the most developed in the Nation. More than half the
population lives on less than one fifth of the land in the contiguous United
States. Furthermore, employment in near shore areas is growing three times
faster than population. Coastal and marine waters support over 28 million
jobs and provide a tourism destination for nearly 90 million Americans a
year.  The value of the ocean economy to the United States is over $115
billion. The value added annually to the national economy by the commercial
and recreational fishing industry alone is over $48 billion. U.S.
aquaculture sales total almost $1 billion annually. With its Exclusive
Economic Zone of 3.4 million square miles, the United States manages the
largest marine territory of any nation in the world.  Funded proposals
should help achieve the following outcomes:
A. Healthy and productive coastal and marine ecosystems that benefit
society; and
B. A well-informed public that acts as a steward of coastal and marine
Proposals will be accepted until September 28, 2007.  See the Synopsis and
Full Announcement for more details


The FishAmerica Foundation Research Projects Committee funds research
projects freshwater fisheries habitat restoration, and non-habitat marine
and estuarine enhancements that have regional or national implication (not
local) with a preference for national model projects. The average research
grant is $15,000. Funds are provided for research in the following areas:
1. Fisheries management;
2. Water quality studies;
3. Habitat studies;
4. Stock enhancement studies;
5. Economic impact studies related to sport fishing;
6. Tagging.
They do not fund salaries, administration, overhead or travel or monitoring
for conservation projects.  Additional guidelines may exist when applying
for funding through specific
FishAmerica Foundation partnership with other organizations and governmental
agencies.  Applications are accepted year-round.  The review period is nine
to twelve months.
See www.fishamerica.org/grants/index.html for more details.  Potential
applicants with specific questions about the application process are also
encouraged to contact the foundation at (703) 519-9691 or
fishamerica at asafishing.org.


The US National Science Foundation Division of Earth Science Instrumentation
and Facilities Program (EAR/IF) supports meritorious requests within and
across Earth science disciplines. EAR/IF will consider proposals for:
1) Development of New Instrumentation, Analytical Techniques or Software
that will extend current research and research training capabilities in the
Earth sciences;
2) Development of Cyberinfrastructure for the Earth Sciences
(Geoinformatics) that will enable transformative advances in Earth science
research and education through novel application, development or adaptation
of information technologies.
Planned research uses of requested instruments must include basic research
on solid-Earth and surface-Earth processes.  Proposals for development of
new instrumentation, analytical techniques, or software are due July 11,
2007 or February 13, 2008.  Geoinformatics proposals are due July 11, 2007. 
See the Funding Announcement for more details. 

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