[OSGeo-Discuss] Where 2.0: Lightning talks anyone?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 14:30:42 EST 2007

Mike Adair and Pat Cappelaere, both Mapbuilder developers will be at 
Where 2.0 and have offered to do a Mapbuilder presentation.

Robert Bray wrote:
> Josh,
> I'll be at Where and can do a Lighting MapGuide demo / talk. I'll 
> forward a short abstract to you tomorrow sometime.
> Bob
> Josh Livni wrote:
>> There's 15 minutes set aside on Wednesday afternoon (may 30) for Open 
>> Source Lightning Talks at the Where 2.0 conference.
>> If any of you plan to be there, and are interested in getting up for 
>> a few minutes of stage-time, please let me know asap.
>> It would be great to have some nice demo's up there, showing off 
>> parts of the open source stack for the crowd.
>> Thanks,
>>  -Josh
>> PS I realize it sucks to get emails with 'asap' in them - but really 
>> - please get back to me right away if you are interested.
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Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5011
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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