[OSGeo-Discuss] "Free"
Pericles S. Nacionales
naci0002 at umn.edu
Sun Mar 4 20:06:59 PST 2007
I just to clarify:
A workshop about OracleXE alone doesn't belong to a Free and Open Source
Software for Geoinformatics conference. A workshop about how OracleXE
uses or integrates open source geospatial software would be acceptable
to me.
Zachary L. Stauber wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I agree with Perry. There are a lot of free/lite/express versions of GIS
> software that are perfectly usable for small businesses or the non-profit
> "neo-cartographer" such as Tatuk Viewer, ArcExplorer, OracleXE, and GoogleEarth.
> Because they are useful, they're going to be part of the tools of a lot of
> people whether FOSS4G takes them into the fold or not, so we might as well.
> Personally I'd like to see, exactly, how to connect up OracleXE with MS4W in a
> demo at FOSS4G, so I say if they integrate with everything else well, let 'em
> show it. It may get some support out of folks like ESRI, too. After all,
> they've released many of the formats that became open standards, like SHP files,
> BIL images, and I think they were instrumental in coming up with the WKT for
> coordinate systems.
> -Zack
> Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
>> I agree that it is an OSGeo conference and OSGeo promotes "free and open
>> source" software. If Oracle can demonstrate how their product
>> works/integrates with open source geospatial software then I don't have
>> a problem with that.
>> -Perry
>> Jason Birch wrote:
>>> You know, I'd actually be in favour of this workshop if it showed how
>>> Oracle can be integrated with open source geospatial applications (web
>>> mapping, etc). This is the kind of thing that many organisations need
>>> to gradually integrate open source into their stacks.
>>> As it stands, it shows how to integrate a free beer proprietary
>>> application with an expensive-beer application, and I am personally not
>>> in favour of it. This is a "Free and Open Source" conference not a
>>> "Free or Open Source" conference.
>>> Jason
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