[OSGeo-Discuss] FW: [Conservation Commons] Fwd: [CNI-ANNOUNCE] NSF Community based Data Interoperability Solicitation

Ned Horning nedh at lightlink.com
Fri May 25 03:57:04 EDT 2007

I thought this might be of interest to some folks here


>>> Clifford Lynch <cliff at cni.org> 5/24/2007 2:20 PM >>>
The US National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure has 
just issued a solicitation for proposals for a program titled 
Community-based Data Interoperability Networks (INTEROP), which is 
another important step in the agenda of scientific data stewardship 
and reuse. You can find information about the call here:


or by following links from the Office of Cyberinfrastructure home 
page. I've reproduced the summary of the call below.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


Digital data are increasingly both the products of research and the 
starting point for new research and education activities.  The 
ability to re-purpose data - to use it in innovative ways and 
combinations not envisioned by those who created the data - requires 
that it be possible to find and understand data of many types and 
from many sources. Interoperability (the ability of two or more 
systems or components to exchange information and to use the 
information that has been exchanged) is fundamental to meeting this 
requirement.   This NSF crosscutting program supports community 
efforts to provide for broad interoperability through the development 
of mechanisms such as robust data and metadata conventions, 
ontologies, and taxonomies. Support is provided for Data 
Interoperability Networks that will be responsible for 
consensus-building activities and for providing the expertise 
necessary to turn the consensus into technical standards with 
associated implementation tools and resources.  Examples of the 
former are community workshops, web resources such as community 
interaction sites, and task groups.  Examples of the latter are 
information sciences, software development, and ontology and taxonomy 
design and implementation.


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