[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Labs

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at mapgears.com
Wed Oct 3 11:39:45 EDT 2007



I've try to put together a OSGeo Labs wiki page. This is really a first 
draft and I'm really open to comments and suggestions. Feel free to 
comment or even edit the page (Note that english is not my first 
language so you may also want to correct typos).

I've tried to include all the suggestion we got yesterday, but has 
surely forgot some of them.

This is currently only a place to advertise OS projects that are not 
ready to go through incubation yet and get known by the OSGeo community. 
If things works well and resources permit it later, we may want to 
provide a bigger infrastructure in the future.



PS: To answer more specific comments:
- I added a disclosure section to not dilute the OSGeo brand. I don't 
know if the wording is correct.
- Landon, Iĺl let you add your email address yourself.
- I'm on OSGeo IRC as juliensam

Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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