[OSGeo-Discuss] Govt involvement in FOSS4G

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Oct 11 12:50:27 EDT 2007

On 8-Oct-07, at 6:59 PM, Tim Bowden wrote:

> In planning our bid for the '09 conf, the Aust-NZ chapter (in  
> formation)
> is looking at how we can maximise the value of the conf to Govt
> attendees.  In talking to govt people here in Aust, and following
> comments on this list in the past, it seems govt people have a harder
> time than necessary getting to the conf.  I'd like suggestions as  
> to how
> we can maximise the value proposition for govt attendance at future
> conf's.

If you have good contacts within the gov't, one way to help add value  
is to provide some sort of venue for them to hold a meeting.  If you  
have a conference centre available and can give them a room - it  
might be an attractive opportunity for a group (of spatial data  
managers, national spatial direction working groups, etc.) to meet  
face-to-face.  Thereby killing two birds with one stone: come and  
learn, and come to meet with peers/colleagues.

 From my past experience there was always a need for dispersed  
employees to meet together, but travelling *only* for the sake of  
meeting wasn't always seen as valuable.  But toss in a great  
conference, some excellent workshops and help provide a venue for  
other gov't meetings to happen and the value becomes obvious.  If you  
really want to add more value, you could also have one session at the  
event that they help organise - they could show off their FOSS apps,  
or could explain particular challenges they have in general, they  
could even have an interactive session to elicit input/feedback from  
solution providers/FOSS user who may be there.  You get the idea...


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