[OSGeo-Discuss] California Chapter

Chris Whitney chris.whitney at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 11:17:42 EDT 2007

I'd be interested in a California chapter-- I'm currently in San  
Diego.  Judging by how much data is in OSM for my area, I would say  
that I'm not the only one interested in open source geo in this region.

-- Chris Whitney

On Oct 11, 2007, at 6:07 PM, Allan Hollander wrote:

> In terms of initial web presence Tyler suggested setting up a  
> California page
> on the OSGeo wiki, to be linked from the local chapters page at
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Local_Chapters. Also OSGeo hosts  
> many of the
> local chapter mailing lists -- see http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/ 
> listinfo.
> One good project might be to provide an OSGeo presence at the 2008  
> CalGIS
> conference (http://www.calgis.org/), which will be in April in  
> Modesto. I've
> never been to one of their conferences but it has grown to be a big  
> deal.
> (Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the 2008 meeting, already  
> having made
> out-of-state travel plans for that date). Evidently at last year's  
> meeting
> there was a good deal of interest in open source geospatial (e.g.
> http://base.bargc.org/?q=node/85): for one thing Paul Ramsey and the
> Refractions folks had an exhibit there -- see Paul's blog post at
> http://geotips.blogspot.com/2007/04/calgis-notes-day-1.html. If  
> OSGeo were
> there in 2008 it might be very timely.
> -- Allan
> On Thursday 11 October 2007 15:08, Landon Blake wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback Allan. Physical meetings can be tough with my
>> schedule, but David isn't too far from Stockton. :]
>> If we decide to get something going, I could put up a simple  
>> website and
>> mailing list. Still, I don't know if two people is enough to get  
>> things
>> moving.
>> While we are talking about goals, are there any pressing regional or
>> local GIS and/or open source needs that you can think of?
>> Landon
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Allan Hollander [mailto:adhollander at ucdavis.edu]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 2:21 PM
>> To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
>> Cc: Landon Blake
>> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] California Chapter
>> At FOSS4G I was chatting a bit with Tyler Mitchell about the  
>> possibility
>> of
>> starting a California chapter, so that makes at least two of us. I  
>> think
>> there are several other folks here at UC Davis who would be  
>> interested
>> as
>> well. I am quite open to what the goals of such a group would be,  
>> though
>> I
>> would like to see it foster regional get-togethers.
>> Any other Californians here on this list?
>> -- Allan Hollander
>> Davis, California
>> On Thursday 11 October 2007 13:00, Landon Blake wrote:
>>> Has there ever been any discussion of forming a California  
>>> chapter of
>>> the OSGeo? I would think with all the geo guys in the Bay Area that
>> this
>>> would have been done already.
>>> I would be interested in helping out with this, although I don't  
>>> know
>> if
>>> I want to "run and administer" things on my own. Are there any other
>>> interested OSGeo members in California?
>>> I was thinking we could form a chapter with one or two clear and
>> simple
>>> goals. This would help our group to be focused and have something to
>>> actually "work together" on. I'm pretty flexible to what the goals
>> might
>>> be, although I have a particular interest in a couple of areas. :]
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Landon Blake (A.K.A. - The Sunburned Surveyor)
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