[OSGeo-Discuss] California Chapter - A Beginning

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Tue Oct 16 21:18:28 EDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 07:31 -0700, Landon Blake wrote:
> Thanks for that information Chris. It looks like we've got a good start
> on some of the requirements. I think the only thing we may be missing is
> critical mass. :] We had two or three people on the mailing list speak
> up, but I don't know if we have enough people to justify a chapter just
> yet. (I suppose this also depends on the level of interest in
> participation. I'm sure the time of other members is limited like mine.)
> Perhaps I will work on a mission and some objectives, and we will see
> what comes to pass...
> Landon

Three is a critical mass (so long as you stay a little active on your
mailing list).  You will find you gather about 10 x your critical mass
in lurkers and general hangers on if the Aust-NZ experience is anything
to go by.  From that point it will build it's own momentum over time,
especially if you can raise awareness of your existence in govt or
academic geospatial circles.

It also doesn't hurt your chapters profile if you can find a local open
source friendly vendor to donate some of their stand space at conf's or
trade shows to an OSGeo presence.  Just make sure you can find enough
bodies to man the booth.

Tim Bowden

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