[OSGeo-Discuss] Canadian Chapter (call for interested individuals)

Dave Sampson samper.d at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 19:42:31 EDT 2007


thanks for the insight. I think much of the philosophical chatting has 
much to do with figuring out if the egg came from the chicken or if the 
chicken should arise from the egg.

the right timing for the Canadian Chapter is when one gets created. If 
no one wants it then we wont have one... when enough people want one, 
then one will form. IMHO it's never too early to explore a concept. When 
we jump out of the tree is up to us.

As for location base. I sensed the humour... However perhaps on a 
serious note we should mention that perhaps the Cnadian chapter best 
resides as digital community, not geographicaly bound to a specific 
location. Again the Canadian chapter is a differnt concept than a local 
social chapter.

if you're interested now, or might be in the future i still encourage 
you to sign the interested individual section on the page and observe.


Dave Patton wrote:
> Dave Sampson wrote:
>> Calling all Canucks,
>> Over at the Ottawa Chapter there has been a gaggle of discussions 
>> concerning chapters and OSGEO activity in Canada.
>> This is where I present the concept of the Canadian chapter of OSGEO. 
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Canada
> Being 4 weeks + 1 day away from the initial meeting
> of people interested in the formation of an OSGeo
> BC Chapter, my initial opinion is that this is 'too early'.
> I think a 'national chapter' would be better formed
> once there are 'at least a few' local chapters.
> On the other hand, maybe I have it backwards - in 4 weeks,
> maybe it will be clear to the 'BC chapter' that we should
> be forming a regional chapter within the 'OSGeo Canadian
> National Chapter'.
> P.S.
> Of course we all know that we wouldn't want to fall into
> 'the same old pattern', so a national chapter would be
> based 'out west', not in 'the center of Canada' ;-)

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