[OSGeo-Discuss] Canadian Chapter (call for interested individuals)

Dave Sampson samper.d at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 19:44:16 EDT 2007

yep, pretty easy.

in fact, as time goes on it should be the intent of the wiki for people 
to post their thoughts and help fill out some content. Wiki's are not 
policed, they are managed by the community.  Remember something about 
free as in free speach? Democratic process?  Wiki is your meal ticket.


Ken Sanderson wrote:
> Should we just edit the wiki to add our selves to the interested list?
> Ken
> Dave Sampson wrote:
>> Calling all Canucks,
>> Over at the Ottawa Chapter there has been a gaggle of discussions 
>> concerning chapters and OSGEO activity in Canada.
>> The Ottawa chapter up until now has been the only Canadian OSGEO 
>> chapter and it looks like that other chapters are popping up now.
>> Some of the feedback that came from the OSGEO conference this year is 
>> that the local structure of Ottawa seemed to be an exclusive group. 
>> Some have said that we even resemble a social club. Geeks being 
>> social is not a new concept. This perception may be because we have 
>> focused on monthly face to face meetings. Drinking beer and 
>> socializing is a very exclusive and social activity for any Canadian 
>> so I can see the misunderstanding.
>> Seriously though we discussed a bunch of options. Everything from 
>> dissolving the Ottawa chapter to represent all of Canada to setting 
>> up a national chapter with regional branches.
>> This is where I present the concept of the Canadian chapter of OSGEO. 
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Canada
>> Right now we are looking for people to post their name indicating 
>> they are interested in such a concept and hashing out some ideas of 
>> what such a club, errrr I mean chapter might represent.
>> In our discussion over here in politic ville some of us think that 
>> while local chapters can really focus on grassroots and local issues 
>> and represent locally, a Canadian chapter might have a place too.
>> A Canadian chapter could be a gathering place for those that are 
>> facing issues specific to Canada but don't have a local chapter YET. 
>> Perhaps this could be a group that helps other local chapters 
>> organize. perhaps local chapters can have a representative that keeps 
>> tracks of things in the Canadian chapter and their local chapter and 
>> make sure the gaps are bridged across the country.
>> With FOSS4G 2008 in Capetown, South Africa perhaps the Canadian 
>> chapter might be responsible for organizing a regional conference for 
>> all of those who might not be able to attend over seas but still want 
>> to network and chat, some code sprinting and BOF. Maybe even run 
>> consecutively and linked via web to the other conference.
>> The Canadian chapter could keep its eye out for national level 
>> conferences that move around the country. They can help mobilize 
>> resources to get local groups to participate to represent OSGEO. 
>> perhaps even a lobbying body for policy and advocacy for getting open 
>> source GIS into government, education and other areas. Collaboriation 
>> on Canadian group projects.
>> Two large realms that OSGEO has lots of opportunity to play are 
>> Academics and Government. A National chapter might have more leverage 
>> than a local chapter.
>> There are plenty of possibilities.
>> perhaps if we get enough interest we'll move towards requesting a 
>> mailing list.  The count is 7 right now with the following distribution:
>> BC - 2
>> Ottawa - 3
>> Quebec - 1
>> Charter member - 1
>> lets see if you can't get 5 people from every province and territory. 
>> if you know someone that might be able to gain from this endeavor 
>> then seek them out and bring them on board. And you folks in BC and 
>> Southern Ontario wanting to or already setting up a chapter lets 
>> share your experiences with others.
>> Cheers
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