[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G ToT in Indonesia

Frans Thamura frans at intercitra.com
Tue Oct 23 01:51:29 EDT 2007

hi all

i am in the middle of the training with one of OSGeo guy here.

and the instructor is Arnulf Christl,

glad we have 2 cool GIS guy, one is Geoff Zeiss, and the other is Arnulf Christl

and our training material follow the FOSS4G ToT


greeting from Indoensia, hope in the future there will be GIS movement
better and cooler.

Frans Thamura
Meruvian College
The Experiential Temptation of Java and OSS

Mobile: +62 855 7888 699
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Sun Java Champion
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JEDI Indonesia / JENI Team
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