[OSGeo-Discuss] local chapters

Yves Jacolin yjacolin at free.fr
Tue Oct 23 13:27:36 EDT 2007

Hi Dimitris,

Dimitris Kotzinos wrote:
> Dear all,
> I briefly followed some discussions on how to create a local chapter of 
> OSGEO. So my apologies for asking probably yet once more the same 
> question but I would like to know:
> - how can one start a local chapter?
Anybody can start a local chapter. Try to join some people interesting 
to the LC, then ask for a mailing list (greek at list.osgeo.org for example).
Create a wiki page
http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Greek and a "Greek Local Chapter" 
Category to define all page of your new Greek page inside.

> - is there a link somewhere detailing the process?
As Landon Blake tell you, you have this informations : 

You can try to read other local chapter wiki page to find more how they 
organized themselve.

The process could be quiet long if you have no so much people to work on 
it, but you can manage some project without a formal local chapter (may 
I wrong ?)

> - is there a process (I mean legally) that should be followed?
The process is indicated in the wiki page. There are 3-4 steps (join, 
organize, formal proposition). You could be interesting after the formal 
proposition accepted by OSGeo board to create a legally association (we 
are going to do it curently in the Francophone LC).

> If somebody could answer that I would be grateful since we have a first 
> open source GIS event in about a month time and I think it would be a 
> great time to announce it.
> I am interested in creating a Greek Local Chapter.
> Additionally if there is any ready made material that presents the 
> organization could somebody direct me to it so that I can try (but not 
> necessarily succeed :)) to present the ongoing efforts.
Check the library of the OSGeo : http://www.osgeo.org/Library, if you 
read french, there are a lot of presentation files (choose the french 
langage to see them) but some in english are great as well ;).

> Best regards to all,
> and again my apologies for asking the same questions over again.
Don't hesitate to ask on the list, I will do my best to help you :)

Yves Jacolin

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