[OSGeo-Discuss] packaging FOSS GIS for Ubuntu in education

Jacolin Yves yjacolin at free.fr
Fri Oct 26 03:54:17 EDT 2007


The Francophone LC try to run such a project but with francophone 
documentation, application in french, francophone data, etc. Someone (french) 
is working on a personal liveCD (GeoLive) and I think we will use it.

Of course other liveCD exists and are great as well: Omniverdi LiveCD, some 
LiveUsb, etc.

It could be interestinig to get such an official project with the ability to 
change data, documentation and langage, i.e. I18n of the liveCD, easily.

Nice challenge indeed, and the Francophone LC will be ready to produce data 
and documentation for this liveCD ;)


Le Friday 26 October 2007 08:29:52 Gavin Fleming, vous avez écrit :
> While Venka is on the topic of packaging FOSS GIS for Ubuntu, I'd like
> to put a niche request / challenge to the community.
> High schools in South Africa and elsewhere need a FOSS alternative to
> use and teach GIS, which is a compulsory part of the syllabus from this
> year. FOSS GIS at present is too inaccessible. My challenge is to have a
> packaged CD for Ubuntu to launch at FOSS4G2008 in Cape Town. This CD (or
> DVD) would have:
> -one-click installation for Linux, Windows or Mac.
> -Integrated software stack so teachers and learners have to launch a
> minimal number of applications
> -Simplified and customised GUIs to lower the entry threshold.
> 	-for teachers to teach curriculum requirements of GIS
> 	-for teachers to use GIS to teach geography and other subjects
> 	-for learners to use for hands-on work
> -Free, integrated global and local data package
> -excellent documentation
> -framework for local contributors to structure and contribute exercises,
> lessons, etc.
> -central website for resources
> -possible advanced options for network deployment, more sophisticated
> users, 'computer studies' learners (i.e. developers), school web map
> services, etc.
> Any takers?
> Gavin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Venkatesh Raghavan
> Sent: 26 October 2007 05:19 AM
> To: OSGeo Discussions
> Cc: Sarawut Ninsawat
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Matt Perry's post on Ubuntu/GIS has
> gaineda lot of attention
> Hi Hendra,
> We are starting to look into packaging
> OSGeo software stack for Ubuntu using
> the AptonCD packaging tool (http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/).
> We are in the process of learning to package
> software for Unbuntu.
> If any others are interested in working on this,
> we would be glad to join.
> Kind regards
> Venka
> ..
> >> Oops, looks like I've forgotten the urls =]
> >>
> >> Spatially Adjusted (James Fee):
> http://www.spatiallyadjusted.com/2007/10/22/create-gis-workstation-using
> -ubuntu-and-open-source-gis-software
> >> Matt Perry: http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?p=10
> >>
> >> And: BR-Linux =]
> http://br-linux.org/linux/configurando-um-ambiente-de-sistema-de-informa
> cao-geografica-com-o-ubuntu
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Yves Jacolin

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