[OSGeo-Discuss] packaging FOSS GIS for Ubuntu in education

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 18:46:06 EDT 2007

On 10/28/07, RAVI KUMAR <ravivundavalli at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> GRASS on a Ubuntu / Mandriva Linux distribution is most welcome.
> As it was said on this list, still installing GRASS on Linux needs GEEK
> support.

Not really, for example, on Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva just install it.
AFAIK also Fedora comes with GRASS packaged.

> GRASS on MS-Windows can lure neo-converts, to migrate to GRASS on Linux.
> Until recently (even now ??) GRASS on windows has serious difficulty, hope
> this also gets resolved.

Yes: GRASS 6.3.0 addresses besides many other things also
a native Windows port. Test version now here:


be sure to read

More forthcoming,

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