[OSGeo-Discuss] packaging FOSS GIS for Ubuntu in education

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 22:22:01 EDT 2007

Frank, I wondered how long it would take to chime in.

Frank and I have discussed this topic before and I promised him I'd 
write up my thoughts. This email thread has spurred me into action. My 
thoughts (most of which have been gleaned from my emails) are blogged at:


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm not sure I have a lot to add to this thread, but it is a topic 
> close to
> my heart, so I will chime in.
> I think Venka's idea of a standalone CD set for OSGeo software packages
> on Ubuntu is a great idea.  I especially appreciate the fact that it 
> builds
> on the existing great work of the DebianGIS team (ported to Ubuntu 
> from the
> Debian source packages as I understand).
> I am sensitive to the issue that OSGeo can't very practically pick one
> Linux distribution and ignore all the rest.  So I'm not sure that this
> effort will be the ultimate solution to OSGeo software for Linux, but it
> is practical and achievable in the short to medium term.  Delivering a
> product CD based on Ubuntu builds on a popular distribution and is
> particularly sympatico with the conference given the south african
> origins of Ubuntu.
> It seems to me there are a few angles on which we can work this topic.
> 1) rough out a plan of the sort of stack of software we want to offer,
> potentially tied to the education material and use cases we are trying
> to support.
> 2) Review what is missing from this in DebianGIS and try to find 
> volunteers
> to help the DebianGIS project package the appropriate software.  There is
> a fair amount of expertise needed for Debian packaging (IMHO), but a few
> volunteers willing to invest 30-50 hours over the coming 6-7 months could
> make quite a difference.  But we need to realize DebianGIS is a well
> established project with it's own culture and expectations and be 
> prepared
> to work within this.
> It might be helpful for OSGeo to maintain a Debian system (as a VM or a
> whole blade) to provide a working and testing environment for folks who
> don't run Debian at home/work.
> 3) Find out what is needed to bring UbuntuGIS up to the appropriate 
> packages.
> I don't know what people are involved in UbuntuGIS or how they 
> operate.  My
> understanding is that for major new Ubuntu releases the UbuntuGIS 
> packages
> are built from the DebianGIS source packages.
> 4) Putting this together on CD/DVD is where the rubber hits the road.  It
> would be great if Venka can lead this aspect, but I'm sure he would
> appreciate help.  There is no reason that a first draft of this can't
> be prepared based on existing packages.
> One cool things is that Debian, and regular network based Ubuntu uses 
> also
> all benefit from the upstream efforts.  I love this sort of leverage!
> -- 
> I'm not sure what OSGeo can do to facilitate this activity.  We obviously
> can't direct volunteers, only encourage them.  We don't have funding
> targeted for such an effort.  However, if a modest amount of money
> could make a big difference I might be able to scare some up.
> I'm confident we can provide mailing lists, wiki space, server space,
> and bandwidth if these are helpful.
> I have cc:ed Frankie, the DebianGIS lead, in the hopes he could comment
> on how we can help support the DebianGIS effort.
> Best regards,

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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