[OSGeo-Discuss] packaging FOSS GIS for Ubuntu in education

Firman Hadi firman at crs.itb.ac.id
Mon Oct 29 00:07:51 EDT 2007

Hello Frans,

We have already make a remastered Ubuntu Live CD, DVD and ISO file that 
includes geospatial softwares like GRASS, PostGIS, QGis, Mapserver etc. 
for learning Remote Sensing and GIS Dept. Geodesy and Geomatics, 
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Just put the DVD on the computer, 
restart and you can learn FOSS GIS instantly. The ISO file can also be 
used with VirtualBox, if we don't want to install it in another partition.
But still, the student seems to need a little bit of time to use it. It 
is different with proprietary softwares they've been using.
The biggest problem in education is only a few people (teachers, 
professors, etc.) that encourage the use of free and open source 
software in education.

Firman Hadi,
Center for Remote Sensing - ITB
Labtek IXC, 3rd Floor
Jl. Ganesha No. 10
Blog: http://jalmiburung.wordpress.com

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