[OSGeo-Discuss] OpenStreet Maps

RAVI KUMAR ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 5 00:56:20 EDT 2007

Good idea. Open HIS enthusiasts can make a difference like this.
Ravi Kumar

"H.S.Rai" <hardeep.rai at gmail.com> wrote: Lot many efforts are being undertaken by various agencies, individuals
to generate FLOSS software and to create data related to places. But I
found very little such data, belonging to Asian countries, available
on openstreetmap.org

Why we are not using this great facility, being offered by this site.
Even Yahoo images (and I found these images much better than Google's,
at least for Ludhiana city of Punjab, India) may be used to create
map, even if we don't have GPS. Let us upload GPS data, and other data
created by us to this server to make community map.

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