[OSGeo-Discuss] Volunteers for OSGeo Booth at FOSS4G

Robert Bray rbray at robertbray.net
Thu Sep 6 16:35:40 EDT 2007


I plan to hang out around the OSGeo booth whenever I am not busy giving 
a workshop, lab, or presentation. So that should give some extra coverage.


Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> OSGeo will have a booth at FOSS4G, including a public Internet Cafe 
> area.  To help run it, we need some more volunteers.  I invite you to 
> put in some time volunteering to help at the OSGeo Booth - help talk to 
> people, show off any applications you have, hand out brochures.  You 
> don't have to know everything about all aspects of OSGeo, just come, 
> help, show stuff off and be friendly.
> Please sign up for a specific timeslot here:
> * http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/FOSS4G2007_OSGeo_Booth#Schedule
> If you are still interested in helping but not sure what time is best 
> yet, please drop by the booth and offer to relieve others who have been 
> there for a while.
> I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
> Sincerely,
> Tyler
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