[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo and use of freenode for IRC

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Aug 21 13:08:47 EDT 2008

On 20-Aug-08, at 7:55 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> I have very similar experience about registering a group/project on  
> Freenode.
> I've done it for MOSS4G and #moss4g channel (I understood I have to
> register to get registered channel) but with no response.

Yes, the group registration took some time and was very manual, but  
cornering one of the admins online really helped :)

I don't see any benefit, personally, to having a registered group  
managing all the OSGeo project channels as well.  Since #osgeo is  
really the main one tied to an organisation.  The main benefit is  
that no one can officially take over control of your channel for some  
reason, but if you've registered the channel already, then you  
already have full control.

If you ever end up being concerned and don't want to risk anything,  
then rename your channel to include the #osgeo- prefix, e.g. #osgeo- 
moss4g.  A few local chapter groups are already doing this e.g.  
#osgeo-fr #osgeo-es.


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