[OSGeo-Discuss] 3.0 OpenLayers code sprint - call for sponsorships

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Thu Dec 18 09:29:57 PST 2008

Hi David,
this event seems really a good idea.

I have a couple of doubts:
why not to join the OSGeo Hacking Event in Bolsena [1] in June? 

maybe two hacking events so close in time are too many.
This year the event in Bolsena has been successful to many, afaik. Well 
at least to me.

The other problem I have is that I will go to the Spanish FOSS GIS [2] 
meting of Girona in mid march.


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Hacking_Event_2009
[2] http://www.sigte.udg.es/jornadassiglibre/

David JONGLEZ wrote:
> Hello,
> This mail is a call for sponsorships to organize the « 3.0 OpenLayers
> code sprint ». This event enables European OpenLayers community and
> OpenLayers developers from around the world to meet.
> The likelihood of an OpenLayers code sprint (for version 3.0) is taking
> shape. It is scheduled to take place for 4-5 days during the month of
> March 2009 in France, in a remote and isolated part of the Alps (a quiet
> place to achieve better work on this major release!).
> The cost of the stay (travel expenses excluded) is about 750 € per
> person. As organizers, we want to cover all incurred expenses during the
> event as well as the maximum of travel expenses i.e. a budget of about
> 10'000 € for 6 persons. Only the time spent at the event would then be
> at the charge of the developers (and/or their respective
> organization/company).
> Any kind of support is welcome... A PayPal account is an easy means to
> carry out a sponsoring activity, even a small one, as an individual or
> as a company's endorsement. For a larger sponsorship, please do not
> hesitate to contact me or Virginie Jourdan directly – virginie.jourdan
> at camptocamp.com : we can suggest a communication partner plan (based
> on OpenLayers community's sponsoring activities).
> Thank you for supporting this initiative which will encourage the
> promotion of French and European Open Source Geoinformatics within the
> OSGeo.
> Sincerely yours,
> David Jonglez
> PS: For more information on the Code Sprint, please look up the following:
>     * Event Web page: http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/CodeSprint2009
>     * Mailing list discussions:
>       http://www.nabble.com/Code-Sprint-2009-td20722889.html
>     * Page on Version 3.0 of OpenLayers:
>       http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/three
> PayPal account : codesprint_sponsoring at camptocamp.com (using for
> example the send-money
> https://www.paypal.com/ch/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_send-money )
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