[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Incubator] Service Provider Directory: Prioritization

Dr. Markus Lupp lupp at lat-lon.de
Sun Feb 3 16:25:15 PST 2008

Frank Warmerdam schrieb:
> [snap]

> 1) Does it seem acceptable to give preferential listing (via order of
> returned results) to organizations identified as contributors?
It is not only accepable, it is preferable.
> 2) Are project PSCs actually willing and interested in identifying 
> contributors
> in a formal way?  It would be up to projects to decide what criteria 
> they want
> and to notify webcom of their contributors in some fashion.
Yes, we (deegree) are.


> I'm also interested in general feedback on how to improve the service
> provider directory and on the "prioritization" effort.  Please read 
> over the
> prioritization proposal for details.
>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/SPD_Prioritization
> Best regards,

Dr. Markus Lupp
l a t / l o n  GmbH
phone +62 (0)81 339 431666

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