[OSGeo-Discuss] problem viewing U.S. map w/ Quantum GIS

roger.taylor at l-3com.com roger.taylor at l-3com.com
Tue Feb 12 07:29:22 PST 2008

I have opened a shape file of the U.S. showing U.S. Congressional
Districts. Alaska does not appear correctly in the Map View window of
Quantum GIS. I have previously opened this file using ArcGIS without
this problem. Here is the link to the file I'm using:



The title is "Congressional Districts of the United States - 110th
Congress <http://nationalatlas.gov/mld/cgd110p.html> " and the zip file
is cgd110p020.tar.gz
<http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/nationalatlas/cgd110p020.tar.gz> . 


So, does anyone know why Alaska does not look right? I need to be able
to work with this file as part of an important job assignment.


I am a novice w/ GIS, btw.





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