[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4Geo session at the Geosciences World Congress (33rd IGC 2008 in Oslo)

Henning Lorenz henning.lorenz at geo.uu.se
Tue Feb 12 23:59:59 PST 2008

FOSS4Geo related science and development is represented at the 
Geosciences World Congress in Oslo with an own session (see copy of 
earlier announcement below). This is an unique possibility to present 
FOSS solutions and science to a new audience.
However, two weeks before the extended abstract deadline the session is 
in lack of contributions. Please participate in the  session and submit 
your abstract before the 29 February 2008 via the IGC homepage 
(http://www.33igc.org) and forward this announcement to people who are 
going to attend the IGC.



> Dear all!
> Again I want to draw your attention to the Foss4Geo session at the 33rd
> IGC. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended and is now
> the 29 February 2008.
> The 33rd IGC (International Geological Congress - Geosciences World
> Congress) will take place from 6th to 14th August 2008 in Oslo. It will
> host a Geoscience Information Super-Session which includes the FOSS4Geo
> session. To make this session to a success and get much attention for
> our case we need YOUR contribution.
> For more information about the 33rd IGC visit http://www.33igc.org
> For more information about the FOSS4Geo session visit
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_at_IGC2008 (session 4.3: Free and
> open-source geospatial software: applications in Earth Sciences and
> recent development.)
> Best wishes,
> Henning Lorenz and Markus Neteler

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