[OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Feb 13 14:02:34 PST 2008

Fawcett, David wrote:
> I personally like reading the OS bloggers mixed in with the proprietary
> bloggers along with the bloggers who write about using tools from both
> camps, all at planetgs.com.  

Yup, planetgs.com does a great job and James Fee is a pioneer in
gathering geospatial people from both worlds in common place.

However, my personal feeling is that there is a lot or too much of
anonymity on the Planet Geospatial, but communities are not formed by 
anonymous individuals.

When I look at the list of aggregated blogs, I hardly can identify
who is hiding behind all those names.

If you check the list of members of


you see *only* and *real* names of people.

IMHO, this is a very important difference for how community is
visible to the world.

Mateusz Loskot

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