[OSGeo-Discuss] OS Spatial environment 'sizing'

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Mon Feb 18 20:46:44 PST 2008


On 2/18/08, Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
<Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au> wrote
> - the applications of interest are GeoServer, Deegree, GeoNetwork,
> MapServer, MapGuide and Postgres/PostGIS.
> - the environment may need to scale relatively quickly.
> - it will be required to serve in the vicinty of 5 to 10 TB of data
> initially (WMS, WFS, WCS).
> - Of the above OS Spatial products, which ones could co-exist on the same
> server (excluding Postgres/PostGIS)?

Putting the Java applications into the same application server would
save a fair amount of memory. Running Java applications takes a
surprising amount of memory, so having them share a runtime would add

I think the best thing folks could do to make a "corporate open source
spatial" strategy work would be to give folks a means of easily
creating apps and moving them through the devel/test/production chain.
 Access to scripting languages with database access (PHP, Python,
whatever) and a standard application packaging standard that allows
folks to "deploy from a tag". Basically once an app is "done" in
development, tag it and push "deploy" and it's pulled into test
without human hands touching it. Once it's passed test, again, mash a
button and boom it's live on production.

Fun fun fun!


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