[OSGeo-Discuss] Image Handling in RDBMS

P Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 20:04:55 PST 2008

On 2/22/08, Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
<Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au> wrote:
> IMO:
> Hi Puneet.
> Thanks for the comments.
>  > That brings us back to PostGIS supporting images. Clearly, most folks
>  > who use it don't see it worth the effort implementing. I suggest two
>  > things --
>  >
>  > one. This being open source, Bruce and others, start developing the
>  > capabilities and contribute it back to the PostGIS project as an
>  > add-on. Many like you, the silent ones, would appreciate it.
>  >
> Its hard to get a feel for the 'number' of silent ones...

Kinda irrelevant. If *you* feel the need for such a capability, and
given that most of the currently visible developers are not so
inclined, *you* get this capability realized.

> You may not want me getting my hands dirty in code development again.... its
> been a long time ;-).

ahhh, but maybe you can get funding to get some bright Australian
developers create the code. I am sure there are a bunch of hungry
developers there, no? From your notes below, it seems like you are
already doing some of this.

> My current focus is on advocacy and on trying to get a big picture overview
> of OS Spatial so that I can work out where I can best help, rather than just
> jumping in blindly.
> With the advocacy, I may be able to help get additional resources assigned
> to some OS Spatial and OSGeo Projects. There are already Australian
> government resources going into the development of:
> - GeoNetwork (to support ANZLIC's adoption of GeoNetwork
> (http://www-ext.osdm.gov.au/osdm/policy/metadata.html))
> - GeoServer and GeoTools (CSIRO work on complex objects to support
> GeoSciML):
>   +
> http://www.nabble.com/Introducing-new-Geoserver-developer-@-CSIRO,-Ben-Caradoc-Davies-td15312675.html
>   +
> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/SEEGrid+project+scope

Nice. Maybe CSIRO can throw some money at developing raster management
capabilities in Postgres of the kind that you desire. I am sure many
others in the open source community would be thankful for that

> wrt the big picture work, I intend sharing what I have currently in the near
> future. I'll post more on this later.
> wrt imagery in Postgres, there is already work happening in this space. The
> Brazillian TerraLib project supports raster in Postgres. There have also
> been others mentioned in this thread. How can other projects take advantage
> of and further this work?

That's a great group. We can thank Gilberto for that. They have a
bunch of great programmers, and really dedicated and concerned folks
working on this. And, they have the image processing and handling
expertise as good as anyone. Hopefully some of that work will make it
back into the mainstream installations of PostgresQL/PostGIS.

>  > two. Again, Bruce, you summed up the thread in another email -- might
>  > I suggest that you add the pros and cons of storing images in a db to
>  > the edu-OSGeo wiki as a presentation/decision-making aid so other data
>  > managers evaluating this issue have a valuable resource to lean on.
>  >
> I'll do this as soon as time allows (and I learn how to edit a wiki).

Don't worry too much about editing the wiki. One, it is not that
difficult. All you have to know is how to type and save. But, better
yet, if you can drum up a "presentation" that can be targeted at
decision-makers (I can't see much value for such a presentation
targeted at programmers), you can always upload a PDF or OpenOffice
compatible presentation format to the OSGeo site.

Many thanks,


> Bruce

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