[OSGeo-Discuss] About OSGeo...

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Fri Jan 18 11:12:21 EST 2008

Bob Basques wrote:
>   Whoa,
> So a press release can only be passed through for an existing OSGEO 
> project?  What good is that to the wider community?

I think that OSGeo press release are an official thing so we need to pass it through somewhere before publishing. Do you think we should not?

Way back at the inception of OSGeo the founders decided to not become yet another blogosphere but more of an official point of contact for organizations that fear/do not understand  loosely knit communities. This is now http://www.osgeo.org (with all its flaws and all). 

For the community stuff the Wiki is much better. I hate that new Spam prevention gadget, it discourages editing and I cannot read the crap it suggests to write but if it is required - so be it.

To get something on http//www.osgeo.org it takes a little more. If you want to publish something cool for the community - go hack the Wiki. I think this makes sense. Search engines love the Wiki, from a statistical point of view it probably produces more publicity than the main page. 

> Or should there be another example added to the "Conception" section of 
> the "press Release" page?

I actually did not read that page because I don't do press releases. If you don't like it propose what could be done better. 

> That part on the bottom about costs for distribution is an interesting 
> piece, can anyone pay to have their press release handled by OSGEO?  
> Should anyone be able to?
> bobb

I think that this service would cost OSGeo $300 to 400 to publish news to reach "AP and UPI" (whatever that is...?). Confusing. I deleted it. 

Best regards,

> Jacolin Yves wrote:
>> Le Friday 18 January 2008 14:05:49 Arnulf Christl, vous avez écrit :
>>> Yves Jacolin wrote:
>>>> Le jeudi 17 janvier 2008 19:07, Arnulf Christl a écrit :
>>>>>> I also noticed (ok, so at this point I was going on the hunt for what
>>>>>> else we might want to revisit) that we have no "media centre" links
>>>>>> from the front page.  Do we have a place where we put all our press
>>>>>> releases?
>>>>> Hehe. We have press releases whenever somebody does them. Did you?
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The French OSGeo Press Release is here:
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Promotion_visiblite_fr#Presse (Marketing
>>>> page)
>>>> With two parts:
>>>> 1- Press release : http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Presse_fr
>>>> 2- Press release of software releases :
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Annonce_version_fr
>>>> If you think it is better to join all press release, feel free to tell it
>>>> to me.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Y.
>>> Hi,
>>> looks like this needs a little more attention:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Press_Release
>>> is rather bleak. Oops, points to a dead link too. Anybody know where this
>>> should go?
>>> This one should be archived:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Press_Release_Francaise
>>> together with all the other ones from that date:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=press&fulltext=Search <http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=press&fulltext=Search>
>>> We even have a process in place for new release:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Press_Release_Process
>>> but as far as I know we did not do much in this respect lately.
>>> Is this more appropriate for the WebCom list? There is an oooold discussion
>>> of where this belongs. Time to create the Press Committee, only joking...
>>> Regards, Arnulf.
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>> Thanks Arnulf, I was not aware of the 'Press_Release_Francaise' ;)
>> Y.
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