[OSGeo-Discuss] Job offers moderation

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Jan 31 11:25:59 EST 2008

Dave Patton wrote:
> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have jobs at lists.osgeo.org [1] mailing list dedicated to post job 
>> offers by companies looking for FOSS/GIS specialists.
>> The list is moderated.
>> We've talked with Lorenzo a bit about what should the moderation 
>> process look like. What criteria should we use to accept or not a job 
>> posting.
>> So, we've decided to ask the Community.
>> Should we assume the list is only for job offers in GIS field
>> *and* related to Free and Open Source Software market?
>> Or, we should accept offers to GIS specialists but not related to FOSS?
>> I believe it's quite important to define moderation rules.
> I'd suggest that the number one moderation job is to try and
> make sure the job offers are "real", and not just people
> fishing for talent, or 'free consulting', etc. Perhaps a
> requirement of a web presence for the company making the
> offer, including their own 'employment' webpage, along with
> perhaps a (unpublished?) contact phone number that can be
> used by the moderators.


I think it's a good point.
Though may be moderators can just keep it in mind and
try to be sensitive for fake offers.

> As far as "jobs not related to FOSS", it could be argued
> that they should be there, as a way for FOSS evangelists
> to 'infiltrate the other side' ;-)


> One option might be to have two categories of postings,
> where non-FOSS-related postings are limited to a single
> paragraph and link to a more detail job posting on the
> company's website, whereas job postings that include a
> FOSS component (even if not Geospatially related?) can
> be multiple paragraphs.

What about these two rules?


These have been reviewed by Frank on the #osgeo channel.

Mateusz Loskot

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