Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some photos from Bolsena

andrea giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 17:03:27 EDT 2008

Hi all -

now that the multimedia part of the event has been settled: I'd
appreciate feedback from the attendees on what they found as key
results from the event, beyond the substantial wine and food tasting
sessions (which I appreciate, but impress me less as I live in the
same country ;) )

I'm not sure if there is a different mailing list for this topic...

as a user -or as a media relations manager for a local OSGeo Chapter-
I would like to understand what we could tell people about the outcome
of a hacking event, pending the organization of something similar at
our level (stay tuned...)


Andrea Giacomelli
vice president and media relations manager - GFOSS.it

p.s. too bad I couldn't make it for one day...I was also about to book
a dinner with the team...

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