[OSGeo-Discuss] GFOSS apps in Poseidon Linux

Paulo Marcondes paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 10:26:58 PDT 2008

2008/7/1 Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <tmitchell at osgeo.org>:
> Lots of GFOSS (and other FOSS) packages included in this linux distribution.
>  I'm not sure how new it is.  It is branded as "Poseidon Linux - The
> Scientific GNU/Linux" and looks good. Any users/developers of the
> distribution on this list?

It has about 3 years, IIRC.


It is (was) developed by some oceaographers at the Rio Grande do Sul
University (southern Brazil)
Site: http://poseidon.furg.br/

I thought some of the devel read the list.
Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
-22.915 -42.224 = GG86jc

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