[OSGeo-Discuss] The New Board to be and Global representation

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Thu Jul 17 08:14:33 PDT 2008

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> On Jun 17, 2008, at 11:45 PM, Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> On Fri, June 13, 2008 18:47, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>>> On 13-Jun-08, at 1:26 AM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
>>>> Hi I can't be more agree with we should seek the best people to
>>>> represent the foundation, based on the merits and commitment with the
>>>> usual free software values, rather than a geographic representation. Of
>>>> course having elected people from all over the world should be a sign
>>>> that FOSS4G is spreading and OSGeo is getting more and more broader.
>>> Since there are only a few open positions for board elections each
>>> year, it will take some time to see any long term movement in
>>> representation either way.  In addition to to "merits and commitment" I
>>> would also add "vision" to the list of positive attributes for board
>>> members.
>>> One thing that I think would be useful right away would be to start a
>>> group made up of one representative from each local chapter - a sort of
>>> global council.  This doesn't have to be a new or separate mailing list,
>>> but could be.  Just having a group to go to for sharing thoughts, ideas
>>> and vision would be really valuable.  Sound good?
>>> Tyler
>> Yes.
>> I didn't want to let this pass uncommented. But yet again I was too
>> elaborate and thus moved it to my emerging http://arnulf.us/Blog
> Arnulf,
> I'd love to syndicate your blog on the Planet OSGeo, however
> I'm having troubles with getting clean and usable RSS/Atom entries :-(
> Perhaps you wouldn't mind to fix it?
> Certainly, my request is valid only if you would like to get syndicated :-)
> Ciao
> --Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
> Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

I am flattered by your interest but that web site is still more of a personal afterthought and not really relevant to OSGeo. The standard MediaWiki RSS is no good for a blog either. If I ever get around to regularly blog useful content on OSGeo related issues I'll come back to you with a working RSS.  

Best regards, 

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