[OSGeo-Discuss] SoC Report: Mapbender Admin Modules

Len Kne knex0001 at umn.edu
Thu Jun 5 10:52:06 EDT 2008

Below is my status report for the week ending on June 6.
This week we have made a slight detour from the original proposal of working
on the Mapbender administration modules.  I have submitted a motion to the
dev list to make several minor changes to the user/group model.  The goal of
this motion is to simplify the administration of users, groups, and
applications, while adding some new features.  Much of my time is spent
looking at existing Mapbender code and developing a proposal for how the
administration modules might look.
Assuming the motion passes, next week I hope to start a branch to work on
the changes to the user/group model.  
No blocks at this time.
Len Kne
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